Sunday, December 19, 2010
:DD / 8:36 PM
I remember it like it was just yesterday (yeah, it really was just yesterday)...
It was my friend's birthday, so her "Boyfriend" took us to Starbucks for frappe. After everyone was done making up they're minds on what to drink, I was in charge of placing all our orders. So I went up to the counter, told the person behind it what we wanted and paid for it. The Girl asked me if i collected stamps( there's a promo here in the Phil. that if you completed the stampbook, you'll get a free book or planner. Not really sure what it was) I told her no. She asked me again if i wanted to collect stamps, ofcourse, i turned her down(err.. fan of Starbucks but not too crazy about it). For the last time, she asked me If it was alright to give the six
stamps( one drink is equivalent to one stamp) to the guy before me, Finally i said yes. There was no reason for me to not to give because i really don't drink coffee(makes me gassy ;P plus, he's kinda cute ^^) The moment the counter girl told him that someone had given him stamps, he was happy(i think he clapped). I told him in an almost whispering voice,
"No 'thank you'?"
"Oh yeah, thanks"
"You're too late, I don't care anymore,kidding" and smiled to myself.
I went back to my friends and we chatted. But i haven't told them yet. As we were make very light conversation, the guy laid a tray infront of me with a choco banana cream pie on it. "Thanks" is what he said. I was shock cause i wasn't expecting "that" to happen and I kinda forgot where i had met him (yeah, i has STM "short term memory" . After he had left, my friends flooded me with "Who was that", "Do you know him", "He's kinda cute!" and the like.
And now Starbucks has made me believe in "Love at first Pie"